"Le nostre anime di notte" con Lella Costa e Elia Schilton al TCVI il 28 e 29 marzo 2023!

Our Souls at Night

Lella Costa, Elia Schilton

Prima dello spettacolo, alle ore 20.00 nella Sala del Ridotto, condotto da Caterina Barone, critico teatrale del Corriere del Veneto.


Tuesday 28 March, 20:45Sala Maggiore
Wednesday 29 March, 20:45Sala Maggiore

Based on the novel by Kent Haruf, one of the great interpreters of contemporary American literature, the show tells the sweet and courageous story of a man and a woman who, in old age, fall in love and manage to share life, dreams and hopes. A delicate and poignant love story, played by an extraordinary Lella Costa and Elia Schilton, a highly talented and experienced actor.

from the novel ofKent Haruf
adaptation and translationEmanuele Aldrovandi
castLella Costa e Elia Schilton
directorSerena Sinigaglia

Duration: 1 ora e 30 minuti (senza intervallo)


Passaporto culturale

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