Danza in Rete OFF


Elisabetta and Gennaro Lauro
Nazionale premiere and coproduction


Saturday 29 April, 21:00Teatro Civico di Schio

In the game of chess, Zugzwang indicates the moment in which one is forced to make a move, even though one feels unable to do so, since one knows that, by moving, something, if not everything, will certainly be lost. So what to move, and above all how to move? To what extent is the movement a vital momentum and when does it become a breakaway or a stall? Two individuals, brother and sister, find themselves like pawns on a chessboard, a labyrinth of figures in which all their possibilities of movement and relationship are contained. Each figure corresponds to a world, an enigma to cross and decipher. Between detours, joints and impasses, the two try to defuse the game, bending its rules and wondering how much freedom is allowed in a pre-established order.

Elisabetta and Gennaro Lauro, albeit with different backgrounds, share a fundamental interest in movement as a vehicle of emotional or symbolic content, researching how the body can make itself a sign even of what cannot be said. After studying at the Folkwang Universität, Elisabetta worked for the Staatstheater Kassel. He has danced, among others, for Malou Airaudo, Kuo-Chu Wu, Johannes Wieland, Rootlessroot and in the Sacre di Pina Bausch. He created Hay un No Sé Que No Sé Donde e (zero) with César Cuenca Torres and finally in 2021 his first solo, Regenland. Gennaro Lauro approached dance after studying Philosophy and Oriental Languages, working, among others, for Giorgio Rossi, Cindy Van Acker and Romeo Castellucci. From 2018 to today he has created Sarajevo and Mondo. ZugZwang sees Elisabetta Lauro and Gennaro Lauro together for the first time.

authors and performersElisabetta Lauro e Gennaro Andrea Lauro
musicAmedeo Monda
lightTea Primiterra
productionSosta Palmizi, Compagnie Meta (Francia), Cuenca/Lauro (Germania)
made with the contribution ofResiDance XL – luoghi e progetti di residenza per creazioni coreografiche azione della Rete Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane Danza D’autore coordinata da L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino – Coordinamento azione ResiDance XL per il Network AnticorpiXL 
in collaboration withTeatro Akropolis, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese – Consorzio Regionale per le Arti e la Cultura, Comune di San Vito dei Normanni,TEX – Il Teatro dell’ExFadda con il sostegno del CSC di Bassano del Grappa
the project was also accepted atFesta di Teatro Ecologico di Stromboli, Teatro in-folio / Residenza Carte Vive, Invito alla Danza – Barletta, Ménagerie de Verre – Paris, CND – Paris, CENTQUATRE- Paris

Duration: 50 minuti circa

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