My heart goes boom
Danza in Rete OFF

My heart goes boom

Daniele Ninarello

Show created with the performers of Bassano del Grappa’s Dance Well / Operaestate Festival


Saturday 10 July, 17:30Sala Calendoli del Teatro Civico di Schio
Saturday 10 July, 19:00Sala Calendoli del Teatro Civico di Schio

My heart goes boom is a collective action that is articulated through a succession of sensory activations shared progressively by all performers in an attempt to build a liberating dance. A perpetual motion awakened by the bodies leading together towards a catharsis produces constant subjective derivations. A manifesto that reflects on freedom as a condition that is exercised together with others without however producing a collective identity, and in which the movement creates a constant dynamic relationship and appears as a form of mutual support.

choreograferDaniele Ninarello
created with the performers of Bassano del Grappa’s Dance Well / Operaestate Festival

Cristina Peron, Luisa dalla Palma, Silvana Cucinato, Paola Agostini, Annì Scodro, Maria Rosa Martinello,Franca Baraldo, Mario Pomero, Giuseppina Cavallin, Marchioro Giorgio, Daniela Scotton, Eva Boarotto, Paola Bertoncello, Roberta Peron, Eleonora Nicolli, Anna Canonico, Vittoria Battistella

support to the creative processCristina Bacilleri Pulga
co-production committeeOperaestate Festival Veneto (Bassano del Grappa)

Duration: 30 minuti

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