Cinderella Tango / Cenere Cenerentola
Danza in Rete

Cinderella Tango / Cenere Cenerentola

Naturalis Labor
co-production of Festival Danza in Rete

In case of rain at Astra Theatre in Schio


Wednesday 23 June, 21:00Parco di Fabbrica Alta

A Cinderella far from the stereotype, of the fairy tale charm, a woman who lives the moment with surprise, audacity and disillusionment. The scene becomes a Dickensian mining suburb: the ash-covered stage and a metal wall, memory of work, fatigue and poverty. Striking costumes, impalpable satin in the sparkling swirl of the dances and the intertwining of seduction and the lights of miners, bring back the protagonist and his "Disney mice". An intense show of great visual impact.

choreographer and directorLuciano Padovani
dancersAlice Beatrice Carrino, Umberto Gesi, Elisa Mucchi, Francesco Pacelli, Mirko Paparusso, Roberta Piazza, Alessandro Piuzzo, Alice Risi, Andrea Rizzo, Elisa Spina
musicS. Prokofiev e autori vari
set designerMauro Zocchetta
light designerThomas Heuger
costumesLucia Lapolla
shoesLa Diva Calzature
productionCompagnia Naturali Labor
co-productionFestival Danza in Rete 2020
with the collaboration ofFondazione Teatro di Pisa - Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo onlus
with the support ofMIC / Regione Veneto / Arco Danza / Comune di Vicenza

Duration: 70 minuti

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