Marco Rizzi, Alessio Allegrini, Benedetto Lupo al TCVI il 15 aprile 2024!

Marco Rizzi | Alessio Allegrini | Benedetto Lupo

Ai confini dell'Est

Marco Rizzi violin
Alessio Allegrini horn
Benedetto Lupo piano

Johannes Brahms, Tre Intermezzi Op. 117
György Ligeti, Trio für Violine, Horn und Klavier “Hommage à Brahms”

Béla Bartók. Tempo di Ciaccona, dalla Sonata per violino solo
Johannes Brahms, Trio in Mi bemolle maggiore per violino, corno e pianoforte, Op. 40


Monday 15 April, 20:45Sala del Ridotto

Three first-class Italian musicians combine their talents for an intriguing chamber project. Benedetto Lupo carves out a space for himself with Brahms's Interludes. Marco Rizzi does the same with Bartók's Chaconne. Then the horn comes into play and the three pay homage to the original Brahms and to the one revisited by Ligeti in 1982.

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