Wednesday 17 January, 20:45 | Sala Maggiore |
The new show by Massimo Lopez and Tullio Solenghi will offer numbers/sketches/music pieces/video contributions, with some peaks of comedy such as a lectio magistralis by Sgarbi/Lopez, an affectionate homage to the vaudeville, the unpublished Renato Zero by Solenghi or the comparison Mattarella / Berlusconi, included in their now tested dimension of the Show. The common thread will be that of a chat between friends, the extended family mentioned above, which will connect the various moments of the show.
Maestro Gabriele Comeglio's band will once again be with us on stage, the indispensable "support" of the musical framework. The intent is to once again amaze and excite those wonderful "relatives" sitting down in the stalls.