la Duse

la Duse

COB Compagnia Opus Ballet

Prima dello spettacolo, alle ore 20.00, nel Foyer Superiore, condotto da Lara Crippa, critico di danza per il blog Parole di Danza.


Wednesday 26 March, 20:45Sala MaggioreBuy ticketBuy

Eleonora Duse changed the use of theatre, suggesting and imposing a different function for those who watched. He transformed the emotion for the sad fate of the women he represented into a reflection on pain, with his interpretative keys always opposite to what the public expected. Spectators describe to us not Dumas's Marguerite, nor Duse's, but the one they themselves imagined when looking at the actress. I want to bring to the eyes of the public all the emotions he put into the works he performed, his imperceptible variations and his pushing himself to the extreme limits until he became something else. Different thing, compared to everyone else. No opera will be restaged, but Eleonora Duse; and whoever knows about this extraordinary - because she is outside of all custom - woman, I hope can recognize the disorderly, solitary and rebellious Eleonora. But those who don't know can still be fascinated by her, like the public who could understand her all over the world, even though she only acted in Italian: “Dear mother, I saw Duse yesterday. His wonderful death. I couldn't applaud. I couldn't think about Duse. I could only tremble and cry and stay as silent as possible in my seat. It seemed that there, right in front of me, was a glorious woman disappearing. And when she died, one felt hopeless, everything else seemed to have died with her. No falls, no noise, very few words, just that right look." (Edward Gordon Craig)

Rosaria Di Maro e Adriano Bolognino

ideazioneRosaria Di Mario e Adriano Bolognino
coreografieAdriano Bolognino
produzioneCOB Compagnia Opus Ballet
direzione artisticaRosanna Brocanello
in coproduzione conTeatro Stabile del Veneto, Teatro Comunale di Vicenza
luce e spazioGianni Staropoli
musiche originaliGiuseppe Villarosa
scenografoLoris Giancola
costumiSanti Rinciari
maitre de balletGiuseppina Santagati
interpretiGiuliana Bonaffini, Rosaria Di Maro, Ginevra Gioli, Ines Giorgiutti, Sofia Lacava, Gaia Mondini, Giulia Orlando, Margherita Petrosino, Cristina Roggerini, Rebeca Zucchegni
consulenza artisticaLaura Pulin
project manager e distribuzioneLaura Montagna
organizzazioneAgnese Benotti
fotoFrancesco Aurisicchio


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