"Gli anni" di Marco D'Agostin al TCVI in prima regionale il 23 febbraio 2024!
Luoghi del Contemporaneo Danza

Gli anni

Marco D'Agostin
Regional premiere

> Premio UBU 2023 Miglior Spettacolo di Danza
> Premio UBU 2023 Miglior Attrice/Performer a Marta Ciappina



Friday 23 February, 20:45Sala del Ridotto

Someone wrote that there is an unbridgeable distance between what once happened and the way it appears to us now, cloaked in a strange unreality. The choreography of Gli anni is built to try to mend this rift: the incandescent story of a single invites viewers to play with their own memory. The body of the protagonist and the eyes of the beholder embark on a journey that shuttles back and forth between the present - the moment of the performance, an unrepeatable romantic encounter - and everyone's past, in a back-and-forth plot that confuses the stories, the songs and memories. The shadow of a novel slowly spreads across the stage and audience: the invitation is to write it together, a work with a hundred hands that urges us to cross the ruins looking up.

choreographyMarco D’Agostin
castMarta Ciappina
sound anf graphic designLuca Scapellato
light designPaolo Tizianel
conversationsLisa Ferlazzo Natoli, Paolo Ruffini, Claudio Cirri
video editingAlice Brazzit
construction of scenic elementsPiccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
promotionDamien Modolo
organizationEleonora Cavallo
administrationFederica Giuliano, Irene Maiolin

Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni e Fondazione CR Firenze; Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d’Europa; Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale; Festival Aperto - Fondazione I Teatri; Tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf; Snaporaz

sponsorshipL’arboreto – Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale ::: Centro di Residenza Emilia- Romagna; CSC/OperaEstate Festival Veneto
with the support ofdell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Colonia/MiC-Direzione Generale Spettacolo e Tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf, nell’ambito di NID international residencies programme

Duration: 55 minuti (senza intervallo)

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