Dance Well Research and Movement for Parkinson’s
Dance class open to all on the stage of the Teatro Civico di Schio
A unique experience that is based on proposing the artistic practice of contemporary dance to people who live with Parkinson’s, including them in communities that meet regularly in artistic places where dancers lead classes accessible, open to all and free.
Dance Well is conceived and promoted by the CSC Dance House of the City of Bassano del Grappa where it is active since 2013. Since then, in addition to Schio, is practiced, always in collaboration with the Centro Bassanese, in many Italian cities including Rome, Turin, Florence and Japan in Tokyo and Kanazawa.
Free lessons without age limit and no obligation to register every Tuesday from 10.00 to 11.00 and Thursday from 17.30 to 18.30.
Puoi aiutarci a sostenere il Festival Danza in Rete
e contribuire ad avvicinare i più giovani al mondo dello spettacolo dal vivo!
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