Chamber Orchestra of Europe | Beatrice Rana | Sir Antonio Pappano al TCVI il 27 novembre 2023!

Chamber Orchestra of Europe | Beatrice Rana | Sir Antonio Pappano


Concerto in memoria del marchese Giuseppe Roi


Chamber Orchestra of Europe
Beatrice Rana piano
Sir Antonio Pappano director

Edward Elgar, Introduzione e Allegro per archi
Robert Schumann, Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in La minore Op. 54
Antonín Dvořák, Sinfonia n. 6 in Re maggiore Op. 60 (B. 112)


Monday 27 November, 20:45Sala Maggiore

The protagonists of the inaugural concert do not need many introductions. Beatrice Rana is the most prominent Italian pianist of recent years. Tony Pappano is one of the most communicative and loved conductors by the public. The Chamber Orchestra of Europe has been a cultural ambassador of the European Union for years.

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